Friday, May 14, 2010

Believe it or not - An Update!

Hey all!

This has been some of the most dramatic stuff over the last 2 weeks here. That was part of what has made posting very difficult. As you can see, our last post was on the 3rd. The end of this current phase was scheduled for the 22nd. We have had to make an executive decision to halt the phase as of today.

There have been several factors that contribute to this. The first is that Vanessa continues to battle a chest cold that refuses to relinquish control. That has consistently placed her immune system and her metabolism at a disadvantage.

The second factor that we took into consideration is that both of us appear to be building up a tolerance to the HCG. This could be due to the fact that our maintenance period between cycles was only 3 weeks. In the nearly 2 weeks of this second phase, both of us have struggled to lose 5 pounds - and that was with increasing our daily dosage 5 days in.

While this has been frustrating, we are also committed to listening to our bodies. A long view of this process is a must. If we only lose 20 pounds, then that is it. If only 10, so be it.

Our weights as of today are:

Scott 249.0

Vanessa 189.2

We are ecstatic about the loss, but realize we have to be honest in approaching each phase. Scott lost a total of 18.2 pounds and Vanessa lost 14 pounds. From the beginning of the entire thing:

Scott has lost 48.8 POUNDS!!!!!

Vanessa lost 41 POUNDS!!!!!!

Another aspect to this whole thing has been a tremendous amount of stress we have been under. Obligations, studies, and family have always been first - and of late have demanded more attention. But since we survived our first TORNADO this past Monday, our systems are shot. We are going to begin our maintenance as of tomorrow and begin the 3rd Cycle right after the 4th of July. That will give us roughly seven weeks to be free of the HCG and for its efficacy to be optimal.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. We will keep you abreast of our progress. Love to you all!!

S & V

Monday, May 3, 2010

UPDATE (C2P2) - Day 2

Hey everyone!

Today is the second day after our loading day break. Our weight bumped as expected, but much more moderately than the first cycle we did. Our weights today are:

Scott 253.0

Vanessa 192.2

Both of us went up about a pound and a half, but that will come off probably by tomorrow. We have lots ahead of us in the next 2 weeks getting ready for the trip to CA, so hopefully the time will fly. No matter what, we will keep you all updated. As always, thank you for all the support.

S & V

Saturday, May 1, 2010

UPDATE - Day 21

Wowzers! Time sure has flown - and we completely bailed on updates this time, didn't we? LOL

Things were extremely hectic for us, and quite frankly this was kinda the last thing we felt like posting on. But now, the piper must be paid (so to speak). Today is actually the second of 2 loading days for us between the phases. Thursday was the 21st day of the first phase. I'll quickly account for our weights on that day:

Scott 251.4 (-16 lbs)

Vanessa 190.4 (-12.6 lbs)

In looking back on the initial cycle that we did back in February, we are a little behind on the weight loss in comparison. There is a simple reason for that:

We miscalculated. :0)

As in we operated for about a week into this cycle under the assumption that the latitude we enjoyed during the maintenace phase could be eek-ed into this diet phase. Guess what we found? NOPE!

Both of us would fudge a little here and there on portion size or simply having grilled onions instead of varying into the greens. We found that there is a tried and true formula to losing weight on the HCG diet: FOLLOW IT. Lol

After that first frustrating week where we found our weight loss stalled out, we both admitted we couldn't fudge anymore. Back on track we went. As it stands, we still lost weight and are continuing onto our ultimate goal. But the lesson that was re-learned was the most basic of all - the goal can only be reached by being honest with ourselves and by doing now what needs to be done, not putting it off.

Vanessa has been shrinking away like crazy, and is ecstatic at being on the cusp of breaking into the 180's. While she has noticed a decrease in her bust size, she is still amazed at what has remained and how things have kept proportionate scale. Apparently previous weight loss attempts resulted in unfavorable bosom compression.

Scott has noticed that clothes he once yearned to just fit into again now are too large on him. Whereas he was having to dip into the 44 jeans prior to February, now he is in his only pair of 38's. Gonna have to go shopping soon. LOL.

While the weight loss has been SO wonderful, both of us realize that there will still be toning to do once the third, and final, cycle is done this summer. But we feel amazing! The improvement to our health, and energy levels, has been astonishing. It is odd for us to be asked everywhere we go for our "secret" when it seemed that for years WE were the ones asking others. God is so good, and we are thankful to Him for the strength and will to be able to do this! Philippians 4:13

Love you guys! Promise to be better about posting. Tomorrow is the first day of Phase 2 on this cycle. Will post then.

S & V

Friday, April 16, 2010

UPDATE (C2P1) - Day 8

Hey everyone!

Quick post today. Getting ready for the kids this weekend. Here are our numbers:

Scott 260.4 (-7 lbs)

Vanessa 198.0 (-5 lbs)

Love ya!

S & V

Monday, April 12, 2010

CYCLE 2 Begins!

Hey everyone!

Wow, time sure flies. The maintenance period between the end of Cycle 1 and starting this next one was a blur. However, it was a terrific time for us to implement the healthy decision-making habits that stemmed from our first cycle. As a result, both Scott and Vanessa started the 2nd Cycle at the same weight we finished the first! Woo hoo!

Our current cycle began on Friday the 9th, so we are now on day 4 of this go around. Scott began with a weight of 267.4 and Vanessa began with a weight of 203.0 pounds. Friday and Saturday were our loading days, but it was funny to see how ambivalent we were about it. Another benefit of the diet has been a diminished pull toward food.

Anyway - here are today's numbers

Scott 263.8 (-3.6 lbs)

Vanessa 200.2 (-2.8 lbs)

We'll put up some pics soon. Love you all!

S & V

Monday, March 22, 2010

Cycle 1 Comparison Pics

Here are the beginning and ending pics:


Hey everyone!

Sorry it has been a long spell since our last post. This last week the kids were off on Spring Break and our attention was focused there. Well, we did it! We finished the second phase of the cycle! Both of us agreed to end on the 18th day instead of the 21st since Vanessa was coming down with a nasty cold. It made the recovery that much better to have the HCG done with and taking meds.

I want to put the final pics up now. Both of us were SO excited to see the difference from the beginning pictures of ourselves. Here you go:

Wowzers! Scott lost a total of 30.8 lbs in the 6 weeks of the cycle, and Vanessa lost 27.8 lbs! What a motivation for us - seeing the results is quite dramatic. We'll post another set that have the beginning and ending pics side by side for you.

Now we are on to the maintenance phase that will last about 4 weeks. We will start the next cycle up again afterward, but are monitoring our weights throughout the maintenance. Our plan is to keep our weights to within 2 pounds of our current ending weight. That way our bodies "reboot" to record these as our new base weights.

Thank you all for your continued support. We will post things during the maintenance also, but with a little less frequency. Love to you all. Can't wait for the next round! Woo hoo!

S & V